4/2(日)19:30-(2時間)カタックダンス・ワークショップ 入門
ご予約お問い合わせ:コンタクトページよりメールまたはお電話ください。または、スタジオレッスン時にインストラクトレスまで 。
Goura Prema’s bio
Dancer/Director/Choreographer – GOURA PREMA
. Her unique upbringing (in
the Hare Krsna community) , paired with her insatiable desire to express
the beauty and depth of Indian spiritual culture in increasingly innovative
groundbreaking ways explain why Natya Nectar is a force to be reckoned
Bhakti became a way of life to her, and the great epics of Mahabharata,
Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-Gita were her bedtime stories.
Beginning at the age of three, Goura began to tell these stories through
classical Indian dance, and she has never stopped.
Making her move to India, Goura studied in the renowned Sri Ram Bharatiya
Kala Kendra of Delhi. One of her first Kathak gurus was Srimati Kavita
Thakur (a devoted disciple of Sri Munno Lal Shukla). Goura has since
studied with Birju Maharaj, Pandit Rajendra Gangani and is currently training
under the guidance of Kumudini Lakhia at her Kadamb center in Ahmedabad,
In 2005, tragedy struck. In Delhi an accident almost derailed her journey
of dance when a hit and run car ran over her leg and foot, completely
crushing her foot and ankle. The doctors said she would never dance again.
Ever determined however, Goura never gave up. After three operations,
arduous yoga and physiotherapy, a lot of pain and a lot of prayer,
Goura emerged
stronger than ever!
In addition to dance, Goura studied and became very adept at Aerial Silks,
and Acro Yoga she has incorporated these, and many other styles of dance
and circus acts to create breathtaking productions for Natya Nectar.
Her artistic design in costumes, set, sound and lighting have facilitated
ingenuity and opportunity for top quality artists around the world,
bringing their skills to Natya Nectar. Although running a performance art
company in India as an American has its many challenges, Goura keeps to her
vision: “*To create messages in our presentations and productions, that
leave the audience more evolved then when they walked into the theater*”
アーティストの都合により、本日カタックダンスワークショップby Goura Premaはキャンセルになりました。
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